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Combine POE and Switch Interfaces

Been working with my new 60D-POE for the past 2 days to replace a Juniper SSG. The last major issue is the POE ports. These are connected to 2 UBNT WAPs and need to be on the internal network. I have tried multiple options to no avail. I have tried creating a Software Switch, but the ports are not available to be added (yes, they are completely unconfigured).


The client doesn't need, nor want, a segmented network.


Is there any way to get the InternalA and InternalB ports to participate with the Internal switch seamlessly? We have many laptops which move around between multiple access points and docking stations. I need the same IP across them all. If we can bridge the POE interfaces into the internal switch, we are golden.

Valued Contributor

I would make sure they aren't being referenced by ANYTHING at all anywhere else on the Gate.


From there you should be able to software switch, hardware switch, etc, as you mentioned previously. Any interface on the device can be moved and assigned as needed.

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos



Thank you for your assistance. I have the interfaces completely undefined - no DHCP, no policies, the Ref count is 0.


But, when I click create new interface, the ports are not available.


This is on 5.4.3.



New Contributor

Found the solution in 5.4.3.   By default the internalA and internalB (POE Interfaces) are given their own unique IP (169.254..). In order to bond these interfaces to the internal network, I had to first zero out the IP address of the interface. Once the interface IP address is set to, it becomes available to add to the internal switch.


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