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Cant upload lager files

We are having trouble uploading files to our web server. If the file is larger then the Oversize Memory Threshold it file stops uploading and errors out. I there a way to stop it from scanning outing files? we can download any file size with no problem. If I try to upload a file larger then 12MB iI get the error. I made sure that the Protection_profile we are using hass Pass selected.
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In the Firewall policy you can set the time the policy is in effect. This way you can have the policy in effect during your working hours and then disabled during off time. When the policy is off it will resort to the previous policy that was stopping the uploads.
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You could try adding a rule to Block this action on off hours. Try having it above the allowed rule and if it doesnt work. Try having it below the allowed rule. Either of these may work but, if its a bad bug you may want to try different firmware version.
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You can work the oversize file block problem by changing the default to be more then 10 M.. then it should work

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