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Cannot autenticate with LDAP

I' ve read the doc about the config of VPN-SSL... I want to use the LDAP server to do the user auth since I' m not familliar with LDAP, let' s say I have an out of the box dc config.. that mean no special software or config, just typical setup... I already have a Sharp mega printer that use LDAP here is my config for the LDAP section of my printer sorry, it' S in french, but mainly field name are the same.. this LDAP config ask me for a password.. with the fortigate, what should I do ? here is the config I' ve done if I click on the query button, got a failed msg.. any advice ? let say my domain name on win2k3r2 is and all my user are in users
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you' ve got " failed message" because you' ve been entering " Distinguished Name" . Try to do this command on your Win2k3 server : C:\>dsquery user " CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=IWAM_CTI-DC,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=IUSR_CTI-DC,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=krbtgt,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=ata,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=development,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=top,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" " CN=atatop,OU=Engineer,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" then you can select the appropriate " Distinguished Name" , for example I use " CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" Then applied this user group on your top Firewall Policy.
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I don' t really understand the purpose of the " Distinguished Name" considering It' s already at " CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" .... what can be problem then ? to test this I click the query button and I have a query failed every time
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LDAP use distinguished name in order to identify " user" , so if you fill " Distinguished Name" , you always get query failed because you have filled it, if you left it blank then you can click " query button" , it will pop up with the querys.
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thanks.. Now I understand.. the query is working.. however, I' m still unable to log onto the VPN-SLL I got a " Error:Unknown user " once I try to log on what I have done configuring LDAP, testing, Query run great... creating user, setting this user to authenticate with my LDAP server for the user group section I see my user twice, is it normal ? I' ve took both same user name, one in local, one in Ldap and I let them switch to the member group still don' t work any idea ? thanks
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Have you put your SSL VPN policy on top other policy, for example : WAN>Internal?
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yes... anyway if I use a local user, with forcing a password, it works.. so it' s not a vpn-ssl config... it' s ldap or user auth problem...
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Which ones do you want to use, authentication with LDAP or local? If you want to use LDAP, so you must create new group on User Group and select " Type" >> SSL VPN. And on User>LDAP, you must use appropriate " Distinguished Name" , don' t leave it blank. I think you must test your LDAP authentication first in order to get this works or not. And afterthat you can add in on your SSL VPN user group.
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In order to link the Fortigate to the LDAP server please configure the followings: Login to the FG unit using SSH. config user ldap edit " ldap-server" Name of the LDAP profile set server "" IP of your LDAP server set cnid " sAMAccountName" Copy As is set dn " CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" Where to search users set type regular To enable user/pass mode set username " CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ctisvr123,DC=com" Your Administrator account set password 12345678 Your Administrator' s password Then create a new SSL-VPN group and add the ldap-server to the allowed users. Create a new firewall policy: From: ANY To: Your_Internal_Network_IP_Range Time: always Action: SSL-VPN If you are using MR5 and above you have to enable NAT also. Very strange but its works only with NAT enabled
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