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Cannot acces via web interface

Hello, I was connected via web interface to our Fortinet 60B firewall, checking configuration when, suddenly, the web borwser lost the connection and afterwards I cannot acces to the firewall via web anyway. The error that shows me is that the server is lasting too much and I cannot access. I' ve tried to connect via console and I can perfectly. I did a reboot via console but this doesn' t work. Would be possible any configuration that I' ve changed by mistake that cannot let me access via web???? Thanks
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nothing happens. error page appears like when page does not exists.
Valued Contributor III

What firmware version are you running? First line of
#show full-configuration
Also how long has this device been running (last reboot)?

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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What firmware version are you running? First line of #show full-configuration Also how long has this device been running (last reboot)?
Hi!: I' m not in the office, in 13 hours I' ll come back and will answer your first question. about how long has been running. it has been running around 24 hours since las reboot(yesterday), by the way, it was rebooted as try to fix graphical login page. The really strange thing is I was connected to graphical interface when device " lost connection" . Thank you very much
Valued Contributor III

13 hours is 4 AM here. I' ll talk with you later tomorrow! LOL By any chance, did you create any virtual IPs?

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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By any chance, did you create any virtual IPs?
Hi: Here it' s 22:50. I think I didn' t create any virtual IPs but now you tell about it... I have some doubt now. How can I check it and if so how can I fix that by CLI. Maybe it could be created by accident.You think this may be one reason so it does not work login interface? I really think so. Regards!
Valued Contributor III

# show firewall vip

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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Hi!: that is vIPs show firewall vip config firewall vip edit " RDP" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 3389 set mappedport 3389 next edit " VPN CeCubo" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set protocol udp set mappedip set extport 24005 set mappedport 24005 next edit " OpenKM" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 8080 set mappedport 8080 next edit " SVN" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 443 set mappedport 443 next edit " MemexRadiohead" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 9001 set mappedport 9001 next edit " Xplanner Artemisa" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 70 set mappedport 80 next edit " FTP" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 21 set mappedport 21 next edit " pop test" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 110 set mappedport 110 next edit " Tomcat la Caixa - artemisa" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 90 set mappedport 8080 next edit " Wilco SSH" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 22 set mappedport 22 next edit " Servidor Log Reddoor" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 8081 set mappedport 8081 next edit " Servidor SVN" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 3690 set mappedport 3690 next edit " caliope" set extip set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 80 set mappedport 80 next edit " Patriarch Artemisa" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 9002 set mappedport 9001 next edit " MMOLINAV1" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 1723 set mappedport 1723 next edit " MMOLINAV2" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set protocol udp set mappedip set extport 47 set mappedport 47 next edit " Servidor SVN - SSH" set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 28690 set mappedport 22 next end I only change some configuration in ' caliope' edit " caliope" set extip set extintf " wan1" set portforward enable set mappedip set extport 80 set mappedport 80 Thank you!
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Hi!: I fixed the problem. It was the field ' set extip' . I unset it and login works! Thank you for help and for your time. It was really usefull cya soon!
Valued Contributor III

A little sleep helps! Glad you figured it out.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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