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CLI Script delete Groupmembers

Hello everyone,

I'm currently using an automation stitch (like this Block SSL VPN failed logins with an automation stitch  ). this works so well so far. But now I noticed that there can only be a maximum of 600 objects in a group and then no more can be added. That's why I would like to use an if condition at the beginning to see how many objects are in the group and if there are 600, delete the objects so that the group can be filled again. is there this possibility? and how? - or you have an better soultion for me?

thank you very much



Automation stitches in FortiOS do not support any sort of conditionals or flow control (if, while, for, switch, ...). You would need to push this activity through some other device device to process the stitch with some logic first. Maybe FortiAnalyzer could help with this? Not sure...

[ corrections always welcome ]
New Contributor

is there another solution to this problem? any ideas?


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