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Block amazon prime video ads

Hello! I was looking how to set up a configuration to block the ads that Amazon prime video put on the normal subscription plan. Anyone tried to set up something? Please let us know which

New Contributor III

Hi @Botu ,


It seems you're looking to block advertisement content on websites, especially while using Amazon Prime. There's a forum post that discusses blocking ads on websites, and it may provide some insights.


If you're using Google Chrome, you can access the "Network" tab in the browser's developer tools by right-clicking on an empty area of a web page, selecting "Inspect," and then navigating to the "Network" tab. This tab allows you to view detailed information about all the links and content loaded on the page. You can analyze this information to identify and block specific content using a web-filter profile, as described in the reference article provided.




If my answer provided a solution for you, please mark the reply as solved it so that others can get it easily while searching for similar scenarios.

Atakan Atak
Atakan Atak

Thanks!!! This set up I knew it but my question actually is more with the ads ( videos) that they put you just before watching a film... I am not sure if there is a posibility to set up a confi with the ssl inspection to block this. Anyone knows something about this? its quite bad to have ads when you are already paying for it. 


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