A Fortinet tech told me that with 3.0 bld 3.18, FQDNs are a problem, and to use IP addresses. I just ' graduated' from Symantec Gateway Security world, and over there, I just had one big ol' group of about 60 addresses that the entire organization could get to. When I tried that in Forti-world, the policies failed open, and everyone could surf the ' net, regardless of policy settings. I figured out that the way to go is via URL filtering. I moved those same addresses into a group (Web Filter -> URL Filter), and made the very last regex entry .* (everything else), and denied it. If they didn' t hit on the prior 60 entries, they ain' t getting out!
regex for dummies:
I you want you users to get to www.foo.com, or just foo.com, the regular expression (A.K.A. regex) would be: w{0,3}\.foo.*
w{0,3} = the letter ' w' repeated 0, or three times
\. = the dot is a special character, and has to be escaped to be read as expected
foo = the domain (be it google, ebay, whatever)
.* = anything 0 or more characters, repeated 0 of more times
If the URL doesn' t begin with triple w, replace w{0,3} with the host name. I omitted the top level domains for simplicity. If a URL starts with foo, and ends in .porn.com, they could still get to it with my definitions, but that' s what Fortigaurd web filtering is for!
Done!!! Angry users = happy firewall admin. I' m doing something right. :)