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Add mulitple static routes

Hello all,


I am new to the forum as well as new to Fortigate.  I am looking at switching over from another firewall vendor and there is no converter for them.  I need to add about 140 static routes and I am not looking forward to manually entering all of them. I wanted to know if anyone has a batch file or script that will parse a text file and output it to a file and I can paste into the CLi.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you in advance!!

1 Solution

Hi Dano,


If you can share the text file from the other firewall containing the routes, I might be able to provide a Notepad++ macro to perform the conversion.



View solution in original post


I've stirred up a quick hack to get this done. It's a Windows command script, reading a plain text file in CSV format.

@echo off

rem create FortiGate batch script for static routes
set infile=%~1
if not exist %infile% (
   echo Usage: create_stat_routes inputfile ^> output.bcmd
   echo input file format^: network_address,network_mask,gateway,interface_name,^[distance^]
   goto :EOF
echo config router static
FOR /F "tokens=1-5 delims=," %%A IN (%infile%) DO (
   echo edit 0
   echo set dst %%A %%B
   echo set gateway %%C
   echo set device "%%D"
   if not %%E.==. echo set distance %%E
   echo next
echo end and a sample input file would look like,,,internal,10,,,vl_company,20
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Hi Dano,


If you can share the text file from the other firewall containing the routes, I might be able to provide a Notepad++ macro to perform the conversion.




Hi prithvi,   Thank you for the offer, unfortunately some of the routes are on a secured network and I am not allowed to share the addresses out. Otherwise I would take you up on the offer.   Dano
New Contributor

I would like to thank all that replied.  ede_pfau provided a script for me that was able to create the routes from my extract out of the old firewall.


Thanks so much!


Yep, here's the version that actually WORKS...

Version:0.9 StartHTML:-1 EndHTML:-1 StartFragment:128 EndFragment:3427 StartSelection:128 EndSelection:3427

@echo off
rem create FortiGate batch script for static routes
rem 2020-02-28,
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
if not exist "%~1" goto :usage
for %%F in ("%~1") do set infile="%%~nxF"
echo config router static
FOR /F "tokens=1-5 delims=," %%A IN ('type %infile%') DO (
echo edit 0
echo set dst %%A %%B
echo set gateway %%C
echo set device "%%D"
if not %%E.==. echo set distance %%E
echo next
echo end
rem output example
rem from input:,,,internal,10
rem config router static
rem edit 0
rem set dst
rem set gateway
rem set device "internal"
rem set distance 10
rem next
rem end
goto :EOF
rem ---------------------
echo Usage: %0 inputfile ^> output.bcmd
echo input file format^: network_address,network_mask,gateway,interface_name^[,distance^]
goto :EOF

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
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