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API swagger permalink availability

So far, in my entire experience with Fortinet, I’ve only seen API swagger being available in FNDN. But generally, with all of the other REST API’s I’ve worked with other than Fortinet, there will be a URL available on the API target system itself that allows clients to download the API swagger as one big file. And that swagger is always the applicable one for the current running version because it comes with the software release itself that is installed in the system.


This is an important feature for the multitude of software packages that use API’s in highly sophisticated ways. Think Sailpoint, Apogee, ServiceNow etc. They all rely upon access to the current version of swagger for the current running software on the API target.


Where can clients point their systems to when obtaining the current swagger that is running on?:

FortiManager cloud

FortiAnalyzer cloud

FortiCloud (for Asset Management)

FortiOs (bare metal and VM)


It would be preferable that customers can use a URL for swagger that is pointing at the same target as they use for their actual API calls. And the links would be permalinks for each product/version. So that when say FortiManager cloud is upgraded, the swagger automatically upgrades with it.


For the cloud offerings (such as FortiManager cloud), the permalink URL would be accessible through the same authentication as the API itself.


And for bare metal/vm products (such as FortiOS), the permalink would be a URL on the target system itself.


Many thanks for your help.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Katoomba,

Thank you for using the Community Forum. I will seek to get you an answer or help. We will reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible.


Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.
Community Manager
Community Manager



We are still looking for someone to help you.

We will come back to you ASAP.


Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ozkanaltas,


Do you maybe have an idea concerning this question?


Thanks a lot for your help!!



Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Or even you @AEK. It seems you are a FAZ expert :P.

Anthony-Fortinet Community Team.

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