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432F vs 432FR seal

Just curious. We ordered 432FR AP's and am now realizing that the seal for the LAN connections appears to be one made for conduit to be run to it, and the cable run inside that. However this is going up on a pole and will not have conduit run to it. The seal on the 432R looks like the one I need. Is there a way to get those to screw into the threads on the 432FR instead of using what it came with? That or is there another one we can use that wouldn't require us to get adapters to make it work that Fortinet sells?

omegle xender

Hi there,


The FAP-432FR is a ruggedized AP designed to be installed outdoors in harsh environments. As per the quick start guide, FAP-432FR-QSG.pdf (, this APs should be able to have an Ethernet cable passed through to the AP without conduit, however weatherproof cabling or cabling inside conduit is recommended as sun exposure, specifically UV, can damage unprotected ethernet cabling in a very short time.

I can see another post where this same issue has been mentioned. I'm looking into what is expected for this AP and will get back to you once I know more.



John Battam
Principal CSE - Wireless/IAM International Region
Sydney | Australia
CWNE #327

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