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400 bad request with Virtual Servers

Hi everyone

I'm trying to setup a policy with virtual servers to divide the traffic from and to different synology nas.


I set up the virtual servers:


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 14.52.49.png

and then setup a policy:


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 15.53.44.png

The problem is that i'm obtaining this error:


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 14.40.13.pngWhat could be wrong? 

1 Solution

We would need to see the details of the individual VIP's configurations, but based on the error message, it looks like you're DNAT-ing plaintext HTTP traffic to the realserver's HTTPS port.


This could be a simple :80 -> :443 mis-translation, or maybe you're mistakenly doing an SSL half-offload where the client talks HTTPS to the client, but the FGT talks HTTP to the server. (if that's the case, you should switch the VIP to full-offload SSL)

[ corrections always welcome ]

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Valued Contributor II

Hello @itcba ,


When I reviewed your FortiGate configuration, I couldn't see the problem with your configuration.


This error page comes from Synology and I did some research about that. I found one YouTube video about how to setup Synology with reverse proxy. Virtual server features work like reverse proxy. Did you make these changes on Synology?


Also, did you define all Synology IPs in the pools as HTTP?


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NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW
If you have found a solution, please like and accept it to make it easily accessible to others.NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW

We would need to see the details of the individual VIP's configurations, but based on the error message, it looks like you're DNAT-ing plaintext HTTP traffic to the realserver's HTTPS port.


This could be a simple :80 -> :443 mis-translation, or maybe you're mistakenly doing an SSL half-offload where the client talks HTTPS to the client, but the FGT talks HTTP to the server. (if that's the case, you should switch the VIP to full-offload SSL)

[ corrections always welcome ]
New Contributor

full-offloading SSL seems to have fixed the issue.



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