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Access to the Fortinet Rest API documentation

How would I go about getting access to the fortinet rest api documentation?


Full API documentation is available on FNDN under the "FortiAPI" section.




So to create a new account you need 2 fortinet employees as sponsors.  Not sure how you go about getting sponsored. Any ideas?

Valued Contributor

Just ask two Fortinet employees (Sales, Tec etc.) to sponsoring you. For me, I asked my accountmanager and one guy from the tecnical stuff.

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Also, but you didn't hear it from :), with a little Google-fu you can find at least Fortigate version 5.2 API PDF, search for  

 The rest of APIs (Fortimail, Fortiweb etc) are openly available from the Fortinet.



Yuri Slobodyanyuk
Yuri Slobodyanyuk
New Contributor

I don't know anyone that works at Fortinet and we purchase our Firewall and Updates through our VAR.


@Yurisk or anyone can you answer a simple question for me?  Is there a REST call that will return the results that map to the following command:

get vpn certificate local details


I have tried working with "api/v2/cmdb/vpn.certificate/local/" but it will not return any information related to the validity, fingerprint or serial number.


Hi Judd,

nope, you cannot get details of the certificates individually (AFAIK). You can get a list of certificates or download certificates as a raw data, not JSON formatted. You would need to use Monitoring branch of requests, not Objects branch of cmdb:

GET /api/v2/monitor/system/available-certificates/select/

GET /api/v2/monitor/system/certificate/download?mkey=Fortinet_Factory&type=local&scope=global


Using cmdb branch you can import certs, generate CSR, import CRL etc.


Yuri Slobodyanyuk
Yuri Slobodyanyuk
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