Hello everybody
Whenever I try to connect to VPN I get Error 104. So far I was not able to find out why this occurs. I have looked at the logs but still am unable to find a solution. Can you help me?
I have tried to allow Forticlient in System -> Security & Privacy but it do not get a message to allow it there. Also I have tried different versions of the Forticlient which always returned the same error 104.
Detailed Information:
I am on macOS Mojave 10.14.5 with FortiClient VPN
20190611 11:26:13.093 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:451 FctMiscAgent started up
20190611 11:26:18.994 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:415 Config File fctsysconf.plist changed, reload config!
20190611 11:26:36.024 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:415 Config File fctsysconf.plist changed, reload config!
20190611 11:26:38.420 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:415 Config File fctsysconf.plist changed, reload config!
20190611 11:26:53.908 [fctgui:INFO] FCTVpnConnection:567 Received the passive connection command
20190611 11:26:54.010 [ipseccli:INFO] libipsec:230 Start to connect to fctipsecd
20190611 11:27:26.759 [fctgui:EROR] FCTVpnConnection:1928 -104: Connection was terminated unexpectedly. Error -104
20190611 11:28:43.129 [fctgui:INFO] FCTVpnConnection:567 Received the passive connection command
20190611 11:28:43.201 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:415 Config File fctsysconf.plist changed, reload config!
20190611 11:28:43.230 [ipseccli:INFO] libipsec:230 Start to connect to fctipsecd
20190611 11:29:15.896 [fctgui:EROR] FCTVpnConnection:1928 -104: Connection was terminated unexpectedly. Error -104
20190611 11:30:34.722 [fctgui:INFO] FCTVpnConnection:567 Received the passive connection command
20190611 11:30:34.823 [ipseccli:INFO] libipsec:230 Start to connect to fctipsecd
20190611 11:30:34.835 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:415 Config File fctsysconf.plist changed, reload config!
20190611 11:31:07.635 [fctgui:EROR] FCTVpnConnection:1928 -104: Connection was terminated unexpectedly. Error -104
20190611 11:32:37.006 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:271 Start monitor for Google Chrome!
20190611 11:35:24.894 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:271 Start monitor for Google Chrome!
20190611 11:40:38.541 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:271 Start monitor for Google Chrome!
20190611 11:44:36.428 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:271 Start monitor for Google Chrome!
20190611 11:47:18.670 [FctMiscAgent:INFO] AppDelegate:271 Start monitor for Google Chrome!
20190611 11:27:38.526 [update:INFO] main:80 connect to service controller successfully
20190611 11:27:38.535 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:1508 Enable custom fds server :0 failover port: -1 failover to fdg: 1
20190611 11:27:38.546 [update:WARN] fcn_upgrade:848 Failed to get ad banner version
20190611 11:27:38.561 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:168 firware: FCT100-FW-6.2.0-614
20190611 11:27:38.561 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:185 uid: 3623128896
20190611 11:27:38.562 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:202 sn: FCT8003623128896
20190611 11:27:38.562 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:210 uid2: A4B4797825B053D0AF9F0FEB422F7130
20190611 11:27:38.562 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:220 hostname: MBP-Manuel.local
20190611 11:27:38.563 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:225 os: Mac OS X 10.14.5
20190611 11:27:38.563 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:231 language: en-CH
20190611 11:27:38.622 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.622 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -2 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.622 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.623 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -3 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.623 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:129 Last update time: 1970-01-01 01:00:00, Last vulnerability scan time: 1970-01-01 01:00:00
20190611 11:27:38.623 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.623 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT datetime(timeStamp,'localtime'),vulId, vulName,severity,category, score, desc, releaseDate, impact, affectedProdct, cveid, refUrl, subCategory, vulStatus, appPath, manualFixValue, appName, appVersion FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -2 ORDER BY severity_priority(severity);, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:27:38.624 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:343 Start to download fdni file...
20190611 11:27:38.624 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:27:38.971 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:351 fdni file is downloaded successfully
20190611 11:27:38.971 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:865 Start to download FortiClient components...
20190611 11:27:38.972 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:27:39.310 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:925 no new app engine avaliable in FDS
20190611 11:27:39.310 [LIBAVENG:EROR] av_api:265 failed to load /Library/Application Support/Fortinet/FortiClient/bin/libav.dylib: No such file or directory
20190611 11:27:39.310 [update:EROR] fcn_upgrade:1216 failed to load av engine /Library/Application Support/Fortinet/FortiClient/bin/libav.dylib
20190611 11:27:39.607 [update:INFO] main:290 Downloading done ret = 0
20190611 11:45:39.395 [update:INFO] main:80 connect to service controller successfully
20190611 11:45:39.400 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:1508 Enable custom fds server :0 failover port: -1 failover to fdg: 1
20190611 11:45:39.407 [update:WARN] fcn_upgrade:848 Failed to get ad banner version
20190611 11:45:39.417 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:168 firware: FCT100-FW-6.2.0-614
20190611 11:45:39.417 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:185 uid: 3623128896
20190611 11:45:39.418 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:202 sn: FCT8003623128896
20190611 11:45:39.418 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:210 uid2: A4B4797825B053D0AF9F0FEB422F7130
20190611 11:45:39.418 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:220 hostname: MBP-Manuel.local
20190611 11:45:39.418 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:225 os: Mac OS X 10.14.5
20190611 11:45:39.418 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:231 language: en-CH
20190611 11:45:39.461 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.461 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -2 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.461 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.461 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -3 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.462 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:129 Last update time: 2019-06-11 11:27:39, Last vulnerability scan time: 1970-01-01 01:00:00
20190611 11:45:39.462 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:343 Start to download fdni file...
20190611 11:45:39.462 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:45:39.876 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:351 fdni file is downloaded successfully
20190611 11:45:39.876 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:865 Start to download FortiClient components...
20190611 11:45:39.876 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:45:40.225 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:925 no new app engine avaliable in FDS
20190611 11:45:40.226 [LIBAVENG:EROR] av_api:265 failed to load /Library/Application Support/Fortinet/FortiClient/bin/libav.dylib: No such file or directory
20190611 11:45:40.226 [update:EROR] fcn_upgrade:1216 failed to load av engine /Library/Application Support/Fortinet/FortiClient/bin/libav.dylib
20190611 11:45:40.474 [update:INFO] main:290 Downloading done ret = 0
20190611 11:26:11.928 [servctl:INFO] main:1498 Service controller started
20190611 11:26:12.045 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (8, agent gui) registered successfully. pid = 8428
20190611 11:26:12.068 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (32768, log upload) registered successfully. pid = 8433
20190611 11:26:13.093 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (8192, misc agent) registered successfully. pid = 8443
20190611 11:26:18.888 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (262144, unknown service) registered successfully. pid = 8456
20190611 11:26:19.273 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (4, main gui) registered successfully. pid = 8455
20190611 11:26:35.807 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (32, fcconfig) registered successfully. pid = 8482
20190611 11:26:54.098 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (256, vpn client) registered successfully. pid = 8493
20190611 11:27:38.438 [servctl:EROR] main:362 sending fd 10 to client
20190611 11:27:38.526 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (128, update tool) registered successfully. pid = 8520
20190611 11:28:43.303 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (256, vpn client) registered successfully. pid = 8536
20190611 11:30:34.878 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (256, vpn client) registered successfully. pid = 8692
20190611 11:45:39.395 [servctl:INFO] main:217 notification socket of service (128, update tool) registered successfully. pid = 8846
20190611 11:45:39.427 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:1508 Enable custom fds server :0 failover port: -1 failover to fdg: 1
20190611 11:45:39.429 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:168 firware: FCT100-FW-6.2.0-614
20190611 11:45:39.430 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:185 uid: 3623128896
20190611 11:45:39.430 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:202 sn: FCT8003623128896
20190611 11:45:39.430 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:210 uid2: A4B4797825B053D0AF9F0FEB422F7130
20190611 11:45:39.430 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:220 hostname: MBP-Manuel.local
20190611 11:45:39.431 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:225 os: Mac OS X 10.14.5
20190611 11:45:39.431 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:231 language: en
20190611 11:45:39.449 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.449 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -2 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.450 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT MAX(CAST(scanId AS INTEGER)) FROM VulHistory_V3, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.450 [DB:EROR] db_api:76 DB select query failed, SELECT strftime('%s',timeStamp) FROM VulHistory_V3 WHERE scanId = -3 LIMIT 1;, message is: (null), status is: 7
20190611 11:45:39.450 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:129 Last update time: 2019-06-11 11:27:39, Last vulnerability scan time: 1970-01-01 01:00:00
20190611 11:45:39.450 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:343 Start to download fdni file...
20190611 11:45:39.450 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:45:39.870 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:351 fdni file is downloaded successfully
20190611 11:45:39.870 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:397 Start to check for updates...
20190611 11:45:39.871 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20190611 11:45:40.383 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:449 No new FortiClient Connect found.
20190611 11:45:40.383 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:454 Download FECT object from FDS successfully
20190611 11:26:54.792 [fct_tunnel_ctl:EROR] udptunnel:125 Error: ioctl CTLIOCGINFO: No such file or directory
20190611 11:26:54.793 [fct_tunnel_ctl:INFO] main:459 Daemon exit
20190611 11:28:43.972 [fct_tunnel_ctl:EROR] udptunnel:125 Error: ioctl CTLIOCGINFO: No such file or directory
20190611 11:28:43.973 [fct_tunnel_ctl:INFO] main:459 Daemon exit
20190611 11:30:35.378 [fct_tunnel_ctl:EROR] udptunnel:125 Error: ioctl CTLIOCGINFO: No such file or directory
20190611 11:30:35.379 [fct_tunnel_ctl:INFO] main:459 Daemon exit
Solved! Go to Solution.
Fortinet is an Identified Developer with Apple, so you wouldn't get the button in Security & Privacy. (As shown in the Applications list through the System Report). I had to roll back to FortiClient from my IT and it finally worked.
Same issue here. Appears to be related to a blocked kext. The kext that is being blocked is as follows:
AH4XFXJ7DK|com.fortinet.fct.kext.ipsec|0|Fortinet, Inc|20
I uninstalled, removed the entry from the sqlite DB and reinstalled and the warning message about System Extension Blocked reappeared. Receive error 104 every time I try and connect.
Fortinet is an Identified Developer with Apple, so you wouldn't get the button in Security & Privacy. (As shown in the Applications list through the System Report). I had to roll back to FortiClient from my IT and it finally worked.
andreak wrote:I had to roll back to FortiClient from my IT and it finally worked.
Thank you andreak, with this version I can connect to the vpn.
How can we get ??? I need that ASAP as we cannot use Forticlient 6.x on 10.14.5.
I googled the version number and downloaded it from some archive site. You might be able to contact fortinet and ask for the version as well.
Thanks for this discussion...
I was able to get and confirmed it worked in macOS 10.14.5.
I spoke with a Fortinet tech (who has not quite mastered English yet), and was told that 6.2 was supposed to work, but not 6.0.6. At least that's the point I think he was trying to get across. For me, 6.2 definitely did not work.
I was referred to this KB article:
It's really cool, men...
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