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install and save finished status=failed

Hello ,


I got this error when I tried to install policy .


FortiManager v7.2.1

Fortigate firewall v7.2.3




Please HELP :)



What does the error log file say ?

You can do a debug from SSH on FMG when you install it to see more , just remember to do debug disable at the end of the tshoot.


# diag debug application securityconsole 255
# diag debug enable

New Contributor

Forti-Manager # diag debug application securityconsole 255

Forti-Manager # diag debug enable

Forti-Manager # Request:
{ "client": "gui webworker:32271", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data"                                                                                                                   : { "adom": 3, "dev_rev_comments": "", "flags": 2, "master_session": 56965, "pkg"                                                                                                                   : 4132, "scope": [{ "oid": 166}]}, "target start": 1, "url": "install\/package"}]                                                                                                                   , "root": "securityconsole", "session": 56965}
Chkperm Response:
{ "id": 1, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "install\                                                                                                                   /package"}], "session": 56965}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: master_session id is 56965
{ "id": 1, "result": [{ "data": { "task": 43}, "status": { "code": 0, "message":                                                                                                                    "OK"}, "url": "install\/package"}]}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: securityconsole.c:833, mm start adom_id=3, pkg=4132, flags=2 "p                                                                                                                   review "
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Load shared objects time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.093352 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Load device candidates n=1 : 0 hours 0 minutes 0.000823 seconds                                                                                                                   .
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Load device candidates time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.000974 seconds                                                                                                                   .
{ "client": "securityconsole:32276", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "dat                                                                                                                   a": { "adom": 3, "ncpu": 1, "pid": 32276, "timeout": 0}, "target start": 1, "url"                                                                                                                   : "cpu-token\/acquire"}], "root": "securityconsole"}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: __add_to_queue,246: add pid 32276 to queue (active = 0, queued                                                                                                                    = 1)...
{ "id": 1, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "cpu-toke                                                                                                                   n\/acquire"}]}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: __flush_queue,166: activate pid 32276, cpu = 1, available = 3 (                                                                                                                   active = 1, queued = 0)...
SECURITY_CONSOLE: create task lines done,r=0
Create task lines time:: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.004698 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall policy list: n=2.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall multicast-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall multicast-policy6 list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall proxy-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall local-in-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall local-in-policy6 list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall shaping-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall security-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall acl list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall acl6 list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall interface-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall interface-policy6 list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall DoS-policy list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall DoS-policy6 list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting webfilter ftgd-local-rating list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting user radius list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall central-snat-map list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting user fsso-polling list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting endpoint-control fctems list: n=5.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall internet-service-custom list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall internet-service-addition list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting firewall shaping-profile list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting dynamic interface list: n=103.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting system replacemsg-group list: n=1.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting authentication rule list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting authentication setting list: n=1.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting log npu-server list: n=0.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Getting user nac-policy list: n=0.
Prepare global policies time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.078789 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (32282) pid=1, devid = 166, idx=0, max_cpu=1.
__send_gui_notify: {"msg":"notify", "from":"backend","collection":"workspace","me                                                                                                                   thod":"lock","params":{"adom_oid":3,"dev_oid":166,"obj_oid":0}}
Prepare device    (1) data time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.187440 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Load dynamic obj time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.000872 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) [Meir[copy] root] Start copying policy to devdb, device(Mei                                                                                                                   r), vdomid(root) (reason:none)
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Using mm method.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing endpoint-control fctems
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing endpoint-control fctems completed - 5 entries instal                                                                                                                   led, 0 errors
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing system replacemsg-group
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing system replacemsg-group completed - 0 entries instal                                                                                                                   led, 0 errors
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing authentication setting
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing authentication setting completed - 1 entries install                                                                                                                   ed, 0 errors
SECURITY_CONSOLE: copy_shared_obj_2_dev_vdom: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.000567 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing dynamic interface
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing dynamic interface completed - 4 entries installed, 0                                                                                                                    errors
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing firewall policy
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installing firewall policy completed - 2 entries installed, 0 e                                                                                                                   rrors
SECURITY_CONSOLE: copy all policies: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.028967 seconds.
add 0 fail references back to pending list
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) [Meir[copy] root] Copy done (reason:none)
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Compile time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.048300 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Import time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.007674 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Change dvm status time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.000001 seconds.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: allow_global=1, dev global dirty=0, dev global changed = 0
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) device 166 connection was down
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Copy to device done
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) Prepare dev install file time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.232164 s                                                                                                                   econds.
(1) Overall time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.478953 seconds.
1 of 1 devices is done
Device Handle handle refcnt = 1
SECURITY_CONSOLE: [1] pid=32282: installed=0, err=0, copied=1, failed=0
SECURITY_CONSOLE: reap child 32282 (0)
SECURITY_CONSOLE: __read_copy_result,1916:Installed=0, err=0, copied=1, failed=0
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Installed=0, err=0, copied=1, failed=0, max_cpu=1
SECURITY_CONSOLE: Overall time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.594676 seconds.
Prepare /var/tmp/securityconsole/56965/install_summary.
SECURITY_CONSOLE: (1) [Write summary[preview] ] Write preview done (reason:none)
Global Handle handle refcnt = 1
All device is done, elapse time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0.614181 seconds.
{ "client": "securityconsole:32276", "id": 4, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "dat                                                                                                                   a": { "pid": 32276}, "target start": 1, "url": "cpu-token\/release"}], "root": "s                                                                                                                   ecurityconsole"}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: __remove_proc,276: remove pid 32276 from active list (active =                                                                                                                    0, queued = 0)...
{ "id": 4, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "cpu-toke                                                                                                                   n\/release"}]}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: securityconsole.c:870(), mm finish adom_id=3
SECURITY_CONSOLE: security_console_reclaim_child,598: try to reclaim child...
SECURITY_CONSOLE: reap child 32276 (0)
SECURITY_CONSOLE: refresh wait queue, triggered session=56965
{ "client": "gui webworker:32328", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data"                                                                                                                   : { "adom": 3, "scope": [{ "oid": 166, "vdom_oid": 3}]}, "target start": 1, "url"                                                                                                                   : "package\/commit"}], "root": "securityconsole", "session": 56965}
Chkperm Response:
{ "id": 1, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "package\                                                                                                                   /commit"}], "session": 56965}
{ "id": 1, "result": [{ "data": { "task": 44}, "status": { "code": 0, "message":                                                                                                                    "OK"}, "url": "package\/commit"}]}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: __pmap_update_by_member,5570: pkg=4132, Meir, preview_n = 1
SECURITY_CONSOLE: security_console_ctx_package_commit,5941: install 1 devices, reinstall 0 devices.
__send_gui_notify: {"msg":"notify", "from":"backend","collection":"workspace","method":"unlock","params":{"adom_oid":0,"dev_oid":166,"obj_oid":0}}
SECURITY_CONSOLE: security_console_reclaim_child,598: try to reclaim child...
SECURITY_CONSOLE: reap child 32332 (0)
SECURITY_CONSOLE: refresh wait queue, triggered session=56965



We also getting same problem. There is a sum Bug is there in 7.2.1. the Bug is fixed in upcoming versions like 7.2.2. This way we get the feed back in Fortinet team. 


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