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file size blocked?

Message meets Alert condition

File Block Detected: CSE60-EN-43770-XML.ZIP Protocol: HTTP Source IP: x.x.x.x Destination IP: x.x.x.x Email Address From:  Email Address To:

date=2015-09-15 time=09:47:21 devname=DEVNAME logid=0262008961 type=utm subtype=virus eventtype=scanerror level=notice vd="root" msg="File reached uncompressed size limit." action=passthrough service=HTTP sessionid=50058500 srcip=x.x.x.x dstip=x.x.x.x srcport=64414 dstport=80 srcintf="Inside-LAN" dstintf="wan1" proto=6 direction=incoming filename="CSE60-EN-43770-XML.ZIP" quarskip=No-skip url="  ..{section of URL removed}..  /CSE60-EN-43770-XML.ZIP" profile="NSO-ANTI-201502004" user="" agent="Mozilla/5.0" analyticscksum="9a34db4c18e9f8e43775ae3bf114655ff95b9d347d44d2488e1db2043048ebb0" analyticssubmit=false crscore=50 crlevel=critical



Strange thing....the file says its this a scan error or a size limit?  click the link see what you get?


{Section of URL removed by Admin}



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