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connecting netgear router to fortigate

we have fortigate 90D.It is not wireless model.We want to give wireless access to our staff inside our office.we have netgear wireless router. we want to connect it to fortigte 90d. also we want DHCP for wilress users. can anybody show us how to connect negear router to fortigat. what are the settings to be done in netgear as well as fortigate for wireless acess for laptop & smartphones in the office. we are using fortios5.0.5.

Hi, First off, assume you have now upgraded firmware to either 5.07 or 5.2 - secure versions. Any reason why you are using Netgear wireless, Firtiwifi / FortiAP would be easier to deploy and manage from the single portal. If you need to use Netgear, I would leave the netgear as a dumb access medium, just providing layer 2 access with all the inteligence and security managed by the Fortigate. Ideally connect the netgear to a dedicated wifi zone interface on the fortinet, have the fortigate perform dhcp for the wireless network. For authentication you could use the captive portal on the explicit interface on Fortigate or in netgear config set captive portal auth and direct to the fortigate page. If you needed AD integration, certificates and single signon its a bit more involved Mark
Infosec Partners
Infosec Partners

5.0.9 is out now Security (wpa2 etc) on third party APs is out of scope on these forums. You' d just configure and connect somewhere on your network. If network segregation between multiple SSIDs is required then clans should be configured.

Hi svl67, This forum is for the FortiWifi product which is FortiGate with built in wifi, so this question is in the wrong place, you would want to ask it in the normal FortiGate section. However let me address a couple of your questions here. First, that netgear router is probably intended for home use and may not be appropriate for use in an office environment. If it is NATing (and it probably is) this will create some headaches and cause issues with things like multicast and broadcast traffic. I would strongly suggest that you purchase a FortiAP which is an enterprise grade solution and is quite cost effective. If that is absolutely not possible, then the next best thing would be an access point (and it needs to be ONLY an access point, no router!). It may be possible to do this with the Netgear you have, but this is out of scope for these forums. If you use a 3rd party AP, it would work like any other wired device on the 90D. I assume you have it in switch mode. If so, you would just plug the AP into the switch and it will work. If you need more help than that, please repost this question in the correct forum. Cheers!
-- Sean Toomey, CISSP FCNSP Consulting Security Engineer (CSE) FORTINET— High Performance Network Security

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