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Wildcard vs. Regular Expression

I just upgraded to FortiOS2.8. Wow! What a change! Now I' m lost all over again! . I think I really like the way the " banned word" lists work, but I' m a little confused about the difference between setting the type to " Wildcard" vs " Regular Expression." Am I correct, that if I set it to " Wildcard" , the firewall scans for the exact word or words entered? And in " Wildcard" I can use ' ?' & ' *' as wildcard characters. And then, am I correct that the difference for " Regular Expression" is that I must use Perl syntax instead? I just need some clarification. And, if anyone would like, perhaps you could explain the advantages/disadvantages of using one over the other? Thanks!
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BING! Thats the right answer! You' ve just won a Holiday to the island of Fortinet.

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