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WiFi interface with DHCP doesn't release IP for Virtual Machine

Hi everyone,

we have a 100D with some fortiAPs, we configured 2 interfaces on the FGT, one for SSID wifi and one for SSID Guestwifi. 

wifi - bridge mode, no DHCP configured on FGT (we are using an external DHCP in LAN)

Guestwifi - Tunnel mode with DHCP configured on the fortigate


When I connect through WiFi my notebook will get an IP correctly (with both SSID), but if start a virtual machine this is not getting any IP (the NIC of the VM is configured in bridge mode, in NAT mode obv works but for me is not a solution).

So i've done a lots of tests, with wired connection both notebook and VM receive an IP, so i've tried to host a new wireless connection with my smartphone and in this case too both notebook and VM will get an IP from the internal smartphone DHCP.


So i don't think this is a problem with the VM, i think it's something with the wifi interfaces.


Some1 have encountered this problem yet? I've searched the forum but found nothing... 


Thank you and goodbye 




You start a VM on the Notebook and you don't get an IP? Is the nic on the VM bridged to your ethernet interface or the wireless interface of your Notebook? 




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