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What type of ssl certification is using in fortiauthenticator?

Dear All,


Could you advise me that what type of ssl certification is using in fortiauthenticator?

Thank you.



Your question is a little unclear so I will answer it in several ways and hopefully I will give you the answer you require.

  • If you are asking what SSL method we support for Management, we default to TLSv1.2 and adhere to current industry standard recommendations for Server Side TLS (subject to change over time).  Certificates for management (or for PEAP/TTLS/TLS or VPN use) can be self signed but the local CA or signed by a trusted (intermediate) CA. 
  • If you are referring to what certificates we support in our CA implementation, currently we support up to 4098bit RSA keys with SHA-1 / SHA-256 hash.[/ul]

    If you mean something else, let me know.



  • Dr. Carl Windsor Field Chief Technology Officer Fortinet

    New Contributor

    Hi Carl,


    This is very useful information.

    I am really appreciate it.

    Thank you.


    Best Regards,

    Thank you.


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