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Web Filter Deployment With more than 10 Office branch

we are going to deploy a new web filter policy . our company have more than 10 Office branch and HQ branch . 


we need your assistance to help me how i can deploy it using LDAP & FSSO DC agent in advanced mode. and if this solution is stable or not.


my solution consist of installing the primary FSSO on HQ and the backup is on DR branch and LDAP server will be the same this solution for remote branch that didn't have domain controller .


for remote branches that have Domain controller we will install LDAP & FSSO DC agent on the local domain and the backup will be on HQ Branch .


finally we will have 2 FSSO installed on HQ and DR and 5 FSSO installed on remote office branches .


finally i need your kind support and advice regarding this setup if this ok and stable or not .





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