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We have a client who runs two businesses from the same office but on two different LANs. They keep the companies completely separate from a technical standpoint but will be sharing a single 100A. They now need a SQL Server for a new application and I' m considering purchasing a single Server and then making that Server available either via a VLAN or VDOM to both LANs. They will go with whatever I recommend. Three options as I see it: 1) VDOM would be nice for managing the separate networks, but I think it would cause more overhead on the Fortinet to throw those packets back and forth. 2) VLAN should be faster and less impact on the Fortinet as it' s somewhat offloaded to the switch? 3) Put two IP' s on the SQL Server and have it live on both networks. Just curious what others would recommend / consider. Thanks in advance.
New Contributor II

You have a 100A wich have 5 Interfaces. SO put the Server in the DMZ and make rules from every " LAN" to the Server. This also protects the Server from the User-PC´s. Michael
Michael Killermann ISP-TOOLS GmbH Kohlenhofstrasse 60 -D 90443 Nuernberg - Germany Fortinet Certified Network & Security Professional #FCP1001
Michael Killermann ISP-TOOLS GmbH Kohlenhofstrasse 60 -D 90443 Nuernberg - Germany Fortinet Certified Network & Security Professional #FCP1001
New Contributor

After considering the options I configured a LAN, DMZ and used Virutal IP Pools for the multiple external IP' s with Policy NAT mapping. VDOM' s wouldn' t work for us because we' d have to VLAN our ext int and put in a vlan switch between firewall and provider. Kinda lame.

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