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Traffic shaper Per IP



Can someone tell me how the traffic shaper per ip work. if am not wrong its per source ip address.


Let say we configured the Per IP policy max bandwidth 512k and Max Concurrent connection 10


I apply it into a security policy from LAN  to WAN and inside the LAN we are having 20 users so here what will happen

how the traffic shaper will work per IP does  each user will get a maximum bandwidth of 512k or the 512 k will share between 20 users and maximum connection a user can do 10. if am wrong please correct me


i would like to know how exactly it work





So can you have a shared shaping policy for the total users?

Infosec Partners
Infosec Partners
New Contributor

OKay but if we use a share shaper policy then and define 512k and apply per policy then within the policy all users will share the 512k right!


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