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This FortiManager does not support the discovered device model and firmware version combin

Hello Everyone,


I just spun up a new installation of FortiManager, version 5.2 build 618. I am using the virtual appliance downloaded from the website. I am trying to import a couple of FortiGate 300D devices, version 5.2.1 build 618. However, I get the following error: This FortiManager does not support the discovered device model and firmware version combination. 


Has anyone seen that problem before? Could anyone provide a fix or workaround?



2 Solutions
New Contributor II

Looks like you need to wait for Fortimanager 5.2.1. We are having the same problem and was told that 5.2.1 would be released soon.. That was over three weeks ago. This is becoming unacceptable. We were assured that upgrading our FW to 5.2.1 would be supported by Fortimanager. 

View solution in original post

New Contributor III

You're in same boat we are, it looks like all "D" models that are based on the NP6 asic are not supported yet.


View solution in original post

New Contributor II

Looks like you need to wait for Fortimanager 5.2.1. We are having the same problem and was told that 5.2.1 would be released soon.. That was over three weeks ago. This is becoming unacceptable. We were assured that upgrading our FW to 5.2.1 would be supported by Fortimanager. 

New Contributor III

You're in same boat we are, it looks like all "D" models that are based on the NP6 asic are not supported yet.


New Contributor

Looks like FortiManager 5.2.1 was recently released. The release notes do say that FG200D and FG300D models are now supported. Anyone take it for a spin yet?

New Contributor II

Yeah.. We upgrade to Fortimanager 5.2.1 today and it's able to see our Fortigate 1500D firewall running 5.2.1 without an issue.. 

New Contributor III

There be dragons here!!!!


I have just finished upgrading our 1500D DR cluster from 5.0.9 to 5.2.1 using the FortiManager, and there are major issues....


As 5.2.x uses UUID's on most objects the FGT will assign UUID's during the upgrade, no major issue yet. But as soon as you go to do a config install the FortiManager will delete all policies that have a UUID that does not match what it think it should be.


Of ~550 policies in our DR vdom the FMG was wanting to delete over 400...


This reeks of poor testing and no QA....






Matthew Mollenhauer wrote:

There be dragons here!!!!


I have just finished upgrading our 1500D DR cluster from 5.0.9 to 5.2.1 using the FortiManager, and there are major issues....


As 5.2.x uses UUID's on most objects the FGT will assign UUID's during the upgrade, no major issue yet. But as soon as you go to do a config install the FortiManager will delete all policies that have a UUID that does not match what it think it should be.


Of ~550 policies in our DR vdom the FMG was wanting to delete over 400...


This reeks of poor testing and no QA....





I decided to do the upgrade, and I had a similar thing happen. Everything appeared to work just find during the upgrade. However, the next day I had a teammate notice they lost connection to a server sometime after the upgrade. I looked in Fortimanager, everything looked fine. I logged directly into the firewall in read only mode, and noticed the policy was different than what was in FM, maybe only 1/2 the rules were there. Went back to FM, and it said the policy, device, etc. is all synced and happy. I re-installed the policy, FM says it was successful, but back on the firewall itself, only about 1/2 the policy was there.


Thankfully, that one server was the only production system being protected by the Fortinet firewall, and it was easy to move the server to our old firewall to get it running again. But it looks like I will have to wait for yet another update before I think about putting these new Fortigates and Fortimanger into production.


Thanks for the feedback everyone.


Hi, Matthew,


So you are doing a policy package install to that device? and policy package has all policies (~550 policies) for that device?


you may need to open a ticket and provide us more config details





New Contributor III

I'm planning to open a ticket, contributing to the Fortinet bug tracker is my favorite pastime.


The fact that I've found at least one significant bug in each FMG release within a week of it being released (since 5.0.2) speaks volumes for the QA department at Fortinet...






Hi, Matthew,


After you open a ticket, pls give me the ticket ID and I will follow up your case





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