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Support Portal - email token

Hi all,


apologies if this is not the correct board.

It is almost three weeks that one of our accounts does not receive the email with the token.


The issue at the start was for both our account, now only one seems to have the problem.

Difference is that this one is IAM login.


Anyone is having the same issue?




Hi Riccardo

Bear in mind that if you enter a wrong password then support portal still ask you for the token (and in that case you will not receive it). This is made like that for security reason.

So fist thing to do is to make sure that your password is correct, otherwise if you are not sure then try to follow the reset the password procedure from the login screen.

New Contributor



thank you for you reply.

Password is correct. Issue started after the implementation of the 2FA from Fortinet.

We used to receive the token after the implementation. Then stopped for both the accounts, and now is working again for the one the use only email.


We have also already did reset the password multiple time via the support, but issue is still there.




Let us clarify some things. When you say "both accounts", you mean you have two accounts one is an email login account and another is IAM login account with a different email address. Right?
Then with the IAM account, you originally got email at the 2nd email address (not the email login account's email address) when you reset the password and followed the link to set a new password in order to confirm the email address.
Then, only after that you've chosen the email token method, not the fortitoken method, to set the 2FA. And, are you saying you can't get the token email when you login again with the IAM account after that?

As you know, the email login account doesn't have the email token option for the 2FA and only the fortitoken is an option.

Also, I had some problem in the past when an old email account and a newly created IAM account had the same email address. I would avoid that although no description about it anywhere.
I would test by creating the third account (IAM) with a completely new email address to see the same problem happens with your Account ID. Then if the problem persists, only way to fix is to get help from CS(Customer Service) group by opening a CS ticket.

I struggled with this in quite a good deal when I migrated about 20 account users from email accounts to IAM accounts. I didn't use the migration method but deleted email accounts and created new IAM accounts with the same email addresses. Now only one email account left is the original master account.



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