Just a quick update.. I was able to finally make a software switch combining " internal" and " wlan" to a new interface called " LAN" . Unfortunately, I' m unable to get out to the net :(
Here are the steps I took to create it:
1. Create your WiFi network (SSID/Password) - You' ll have no control over this after you combine interfaces.
2. Delete all firewall policies pertaining to the interfaces that you are trying to combine (in my case - internal and wlan)
3. Delete dhcp server listed under internal interface
These are the commands I used to create the " Software Switch"
(I' ve highlighted the CLI commands that differ from the guide):
config system switch-interface
edit <New network that you are creating>
set type switch
set member internal wlan
set vdom root
config system interface
edit <New network that you are creating>
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set type switch
set vdom root

After I created that, I logged into the web interface to create the dhcp server for the combined interface. The guide CLI commands are not correct and i could not figure it out. Kept getting errors using this CLI " setdns-service default" (Unkown Action).

Now onto the policy... I created a policy " LAN (internal/wlan combined) -> wan1 (internet connection) and vice versa.

What am i missing to get me out to the net?