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Problem browsing mobile phone

HI Unable to browse Forti's WIFI via cell phone. Through a laptop everything is normal. I have version FortiOS v5.6.6 build1630




Contributor II



In the Policy, in the source part you have only the subnet address of your lan or you have different types of devices? (Windows PC, Linux PC, Mac)


In this case you have to add Android devices.


In other case see the logs/event of that devices to understand why is the Fortigate denying the traffic.


You can use debug flow to view the events in real time:



Defend Your Enterprise Network With Fortigate Next Generation Firewall
Defend Your Enterprise Network With Fortigate Next Generation Firewall
New Contributor III

Hi Danny,


Is the client connecting ok?


How is your ESS set up? With Pre-shared key? Captive portal? RADIUS/802.1X? Can you see the client in the associations tab of the monitoring section?


New Contributor

Is the client connecting ok?  YES   How is your ESS set up? With Pre-shared key?    YES

 Captive portal? RADIUS/802.1X?  YES

Can you see the client in the associations tab of the monitoring section?YES


***A laptop does not have a WIFI browsing problem***


@dannyw did you find the problem? Im having the same problem even restoring to factory defaults, connecting a cell phone to wifi with a general allow policy the phones doesn't reach the internet and then they get disconnected from the wifi.


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