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OWA Access Via Fortigate

Hi, am I right to say that I can do this over the Fortigate Firewall? e.g. http://mydomain/exchange/ What I need is just to forward (Firewall > Policy) all the inbound http (80) to my internal server at Many Thanks. PK
New Contributor

Hi PK, How abt perform NAT and disable AV scanning? Gary
New Contributor

Hi Blueguava, Glad to hear that. I am gonna to try it out. Just want clarify, you only specify NAT rule and allowed either port 80 or 443 to OWA server? Thanks. Gary
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Yes that is Correct. In Virtual IP I created a port forward rule to port 80 or 443. Then under firewall policy I created a http/https rule to the virtual IP. It' s when you create that firewall rule you set the type of scanning you want(Second option from the bottom). Good Luck KInd Regards
New Contributor

Have you tried using Outlook 2003 client to access the OWA? It doesn' t seems to work in my environment. Gary
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Gary Can you give me more details? Like what type of computer are you accessing it from as OWA detects the type of device accessing it and sends the appropriate markup by putting put cHTML, XHTML or WML pages to render the page correctly in the browser. What type of error or problem do you get? Kind Regards

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