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No ping/http/https/ssh via WAN

Hi: When I activate ping/http/https/ssh via WAN to admin the Fortigate I have no access this way, obviously is the WAN port used. Any idea?
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Fortigate model -> Firmware -> Build Number -> Any Trusted hosts configured ??? Whats the public ip of fortigate ?
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Do you have set correct IP for Trusted hosts under System -> Admin ?
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Fortigate model -> FG-60 Firmware -> Fortigate-60 2.80,build292,041117 Build Number -> Fortigate-60 2.80,build292,041117 Any Trusted hosts configured ??? Whats the public ip of fortigate ? wan1 I can not access from internal to WAN1 and from internet to WAN1
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Again I assume you have HTTPS (I would never use HTTP for this purpose) enabled under System - Network - Interface and therefore you see wan1 with Access HTTPS (also HTTPS on Interface internal I assume) Secondly you have under System - Admin a user with Trusted hosts (as you wrote). You are using the same user to connect to the internal interface to administrate your FortiGate 60 - correct? Then you never tried something with IP/MAC binding? If so that' s fine. If all the above is true, then it should be possible to connect from a computer attached to the internal interface to the FortiGate 60 using in a browser. If this is not working, then I have no idea what could be wrong. Currently I' m using MR5 and not like you MR6, but probably today I will upgrade a FortiGate 60. I hope your problem is not related with MR6, otherwise I will know this soon!
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Ruedi: Thank you for your help. All you wrote is true, that is the problem, becouse i have other FG-60 with the same Admin access config and everything is ok. I have MR6 292 becouse with 290 the VPNs configured make the connection the fist time and after some time the VPNs do not reconnect (but this is another history). Thank you very much!

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