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Looking to upgrade my EMS to 6.0.8

All, I'm looking to upgrade my EMS box from what I think is 1.2.5 -> 6.0.8 but I would like to verify my EMS version before I move on my own assumptions. Also, I have not been able to find an "Upgrade Path" document. Can anyone please guide me the proper way to figure out what version of EMS I'm currently running? Looking a Add/remove programs, my installed FCT-EMS version is  This is a windows server and a rather old version of EMS;


Valued Contributor

Hi, Login to EMS. On the Dashboard, you can see your version. I assume the installed version in ad/remove programs would be correct. Upgrade to 6.0.8 is supported from 1.2.4 and later


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Markus, thanks for the input.  ad/remove was correct on the version installed.  I was able to successfully upgrade from 1.2.5 -> 6.0.8 via the upgrade path (1.2.5->6.0.5->6.0.8).  I also verified this with TAC/Support.


Valued Contributor

very welcome, glad to hear the upgrade was successfull

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