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Looking for tips to secure my Google Workspace data

I've recently been hearing the news about the ransomware attacks. My team and I are using Google Workspace for pretty much everything - emails, docs, the whole nine yards. We're in the UK, and I've heard some horror stories about businesses here getting hit and it's got me thinking... what if we're next?
Of course, we have some basic security in place, but we're no Fortinet wizards. My main worry is that if ransomware does hit us, how do we proceed? I've read a bit about cloud backups being a solid plan B, but I'm kinda out of my depth here.
Does anyone have any pointers on making our Google Workspace data ransomware-proof? Or at least something that can give us a fighting chance to bounce back without starting from scratch?
Many thanks in advance


Backup the data somewhere else.  Use some sort of CASB or data integrity solution.  This probably a more appropriate question for Google though.  What do they do to backup your data already?  How are they themselves preventing ransomware?

New Contributor III

I'd recommend trying Loop Backup ( - at least I'm using it and so far haven't noticed any problems. It's an air-gapped backup for Google Workspace that runs automatically several times a day, keeping data up-to-date and secure. There's no need to manage or monitor anything; you just install it and forget about it - it runs in the background without distracting you from work. They also have a money-back guarantee if you can't restore your data, which really sold it for me. Definitely recommend giving it a look to protect your team's work.

New Contributor III

I'd recommend trying Loop Backup ( - at least I'm using it and so far haven't noticed any problems. It's an air-gapped backup for Google Workspace that runs automatically several times a day, keeping data up-to-date and secure. There's no need to manage or monitor anything; you just install it and forget about it - it runs in the background without distracting you from work.
They also have a money-back guarantee if you can't restore your data, which really sold it for me. Definitely recommend giving it a look to protect your team's work.

New Contributor

Found this step by step guide online, at least for backups. I'm hoping to implement some of it and whatever other insights I find on this thread.


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