Since few months I have a strange problem with several kinds of upload of big files to Internet.
Observations on WINDOWS7 premium (German), 64 bit
1) SMTP Problem
When I send e-mails with big attachments (for example 19MB + 2MB + 4MB) my Seamonkey progress bar reaches 99% within less than 5 seconds, what is rather unexpected with an upload speed of 700kbit/s. Instead of Terminating transmission mail client Window with progress bar keeps open, and I can see that router still is sending with expected speed (even after termination of Seamonkey). After several minutes I will get a Seamonkey message similar to " SMTP session timed out. Try again or contact network administrator" ). It looks as if the mail becomes sent to some buffer (Seamonkey? WIN? Router? I uninstalled antivirus program, problem persisted). I did some tests and sent the mails to a different e-mail account of my own, the mail became sent within expected time and seems not to be damaged.
I use POP3-Account at All-Inkl, STARTTLS, Port 587.Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64;) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.26.1Build-Identifikator: 20140612174402.
2) Wordpress upload
When I try to upload several bigger pictures (each bigger than 2 MB) with my Seamonkey browser, transfer will stop after very few pictures without message. I can start again and again and So I will get uploaded all pictures. Seems to work some better with Firefox, but the problem also does exist with that browser
3) FTP Upload with FileZilla
Test: I tried to upload 12 Pictures (921 kB ... 2305 KB) + a 1527 KB PDF document to an FTP folder of my Web Space at provider All-Inkl. Incomplete transfer to an FTP folder of my Web Space, damaged files! During transfer I cat message " file already exists" with question whether I want to overwrite existing file. " Existing File" is one of the files in transfer queue what already has been transferred. File Size shown for existing file on ftp space is too small. Here also progress bars reach 100% much too fast
I did a test with Filezilla and Seamonkey mail and WIN in " Protected Mode (with active network drivers)" , here everything works fine. Progress bars need expected time to reach 100% slowly growing, no error messages, no damaged files. I seems that WIN or one of the tasks/applications launched automatically during boot process create that strange " buffer" what is responsible for the problems.
Test Results
1) SMTP Problem
* Still reproducible, definitively caused by running
* Solution: Terminate FortiClient
2) Wordpress upload
Currently not reproducible, so observed problems might have had different roots
3) FTP Upload with FileZilla
* Still reproducible, definitively caused by running
* Solution: Terminate FortiClient
This problem definitively started with a FortiClient update.
Possible Solutions
I need FortiClient as recommended software for VPN connection to a customer' s network. May be I should update to FortiClient 5.2, but who can know what other trouble that version might cause? My experience is not good, I already have had several other problems, worst case were bluescreen crashes.
I would like to run only VPN, no virus- or whatever else protection. is that possible?
Best Regards
Rainer Bielefeld