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Impossible to connect to VPN: Permission denied (-455)



I'm a first time user and I have no clue what to do, so please, be patient :)


I downloaded FortiClient v and I'm trying to connect to the VPN, but it goes up to 45% and shows the error message "Permission denied (-455)". I've read the forums, but nothing works. Also, the admin hasn't really been helpful, since they will only say "update your computer. Other users have taken theirs to a technician"...


They asked me to use a VPN SSL connection, they gave me the remote gateway address, told me to save the login data and that's basically it.


So I did what they told me to, I updated all that I could, and the QuickTime player is the only software I couldn't update. I'm not sure if it has anything to do, but it's an issue shown in the Vulnerability analysis in the FortiClient console.


I've also read threads that claim THE answer is to change the configuration in Internet Explorer and uncheck TLS 1.0 and 1.1, but that didn't work either.


Any ideas?

New Contributor III

Hi Pattu

For me each time I had the -455 code, it was a problem with bad account or bad password.

Maybe you have to check the conection parameters on your fortigate.


You have to change the TLS configuration for the -5 code.


Good luck


New Contributor

Thank you so much for the quick reply.


I told them that the credentials might be the problem, they gave me another user's credentials and it connected immediately. Still, they asked me to try again with the previous credentials and it did not work. So yes, that was the problem!


Thank you again!

New Contributor III

Great, happy to have helped you


New Contributor

Permission denied (-455)




I'm having the same problem, I'm not being able to access FortiClient and it's presenting the message Permission denied (-455).


What do I need to do?






  I'm first connect use by forticlient  VPN Verssion it goes up to 45% and shows the error message "Permission denied (-455)" and can't Login.I after trying twice I can to login, I have to know how to fix this problem.

Please help me.




Best regard..



Hello Everyone . 

the solution is : you have to shutdown the app for 10 minutes at least and reconnect again . 

even it was opened through the bottom right at the task bar . right click then shutdown .

good luck ..


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