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How to execute/view the fortigates log using TCL command in fortimanager

As we want to view logs in N number of fortigate log through fortimanager using TCL script.

execute log filter category 9  execute log filter start-line 1 execute log filter view-lines 20 execute log display how can I integrate the above commands with TCL scripts.   Thanks in advance.


Manivannan N


Here is the TCL script that executes your commands on selected FortiGates.


# define procedures section
# execute commands
proc do_cmd {cmd} {
  # note that the prompt (#|\$) is special to handle non super user FMG users
  puts [exec "$cmd\n" " (#|\$) " 10]
proc get_sys_status aname {
  upvar $aname a
  set a(vdom) true
  set input [exec "get system status\n" "# " 15 ]
  set linelist [split $input \n]
  foreach line $linelist {
    if {[regexp {Virtual domain configuration: disable} $line]} { set a(vdom) false }
    if {![regexp {([^:]+):(.*)} $line dummy key value]} continue
    switch -regexp -- $key {
      Version { regexp {FortiGate-([^ ]+) ([^,]+),build([\d]+),.*} $value dummy a(platform) a(version) a(build) }
      Serial-Number { set a(serial-number) [string trim $value] }
      Hostname { set a(hostname) [string trim $value] }
# set verbose to true to increase output
set verbose true
# begin main script
# get FortiGate information
get_sys_status status
if { ($verbose == true) } {
  puts "This Fortigate is model: \[$status(platform)\]."
  puts "It is running FortOS version: \[$status(version)\]."
  puts "The firmware is build number: \[$status(build)\]."
  puts "The device serial number is: \[$status(serial-number)\]."
  puts "The machine hostname is: \[$status(hostname)\]."
# enter vdom if vdoms are enabled
if { ($status(vdom) == true) } {
  # Enter VDOM if its enabled
  if { ($verbose == true) } { puts "Entering vdom:\[root\]" }
  do_cmd "config vdom"
  do_cmd "edit root"
} else {
  if { ($verbose == true) } { puts "No vdoms on this Fortigate" }
do_cmd "execute log filter category 9"
do_cmd "execute log filter start-line 1"
do_cmd "execute log filter view-lines 20"
do_cmd "execute log display"
puts "Script Finished"
do_cmd "end"
# End of script


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