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Fortinet Certified Fundamental - Exams?

Just starting the Fortinet Certifications. And did so with the FCF. I have completed the following courses with embedded quizzes:


Introduction to the Threat Landscape - COMPLETE/ NO EXAM JUST QUIZZES


Getting Started in Cybersecurity 2.0 - COMPLETE/ NO EXAM JUST QUIZZES
Technical Introduction to Cybersecurity - COMPLETE/ NO EXAM JUST QUIZZES


Where are the exams? I am not seeing anything so far. My manager indicated that upon completion of the courses themselves, I would be certified here on the site. But that does not appear to be the case.


New Contributor

Nothing is there. And each of the online courses I've taken show as though not complete even though I have gone through every lesson and taken each corresponding quiz.


It is as though I am missing a step somewhere in the core and elective courses. Someone suggested I should do the survey at the end but that didn't help.


And by "Complete", I mean went completely through them. Not that the site has marked them Completed.

New Contributor

Completed the course today, have been facing the same problem


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