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Fortigate 100D - Slow vpn client file transfers - SMB and SCP

We replaced our Cisco ASA with a Fortunate 100D about a year and half ago. Ever since making the change our remote workers have complained about the speed of the file transfers to both Windows SMB shares and to SCP file transfers from Linux servers.


The remote workers are only getting about 100k transfer speeds over 20MB cable modem connections when connected to the VPN using the latest Forticlients.


Our office internet connection is 25MB.


We are using the SSLVPN Portal but I have tried setting up the IPSec tunnels and not seen much improvement. The SSLVPN is not setup for Split Tunnel.


I am running firmware v5.2.1,build618. We have hoped that firmware upgrades would address this issue but it never seems to help.


I have placed calls with support. We have turned off all advanced features, double-checked, the network interfaces, firewall policies, etc. Nothing seems to help.


We have kinda just learned to live with the poor performance but now the complaints have reached such a level that we are talking about replacing the Fortigate with another Cisco.


Does anyone have any good ideas about how to solve this? Download from our office networks work really well, so the problem only occurs over the VPN tunnels.


Thanks in advance. I'm happy to post parts of our configuration.






is it just vpn traffic or all upload traffic through the link?

have you checked duplex settings and switch logs for port mismatch or cable errors?

tried a different wan interface?

all protocols, have you tried https upload?

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