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FortiGuard - AntiSpam blocking URL

In the body, I add in the signature an URL. This url is into FortiGuard - AntiSpam blocking URL i already sent de email for remove this url from DB, but I like to know how put a exection in a firewall policy for AntiSpam. Would you can i help me?

If I understand correctly, you want an exemption for a specific url or email address so it will not be tagged as Spam - a White List. You didn' t mention which firmware you had either. It is different in 2.8 and 3.0. In 2.8, go to Spam Filter > Email Address. Select Create New, add the address and set it to " Mark as Clear" . In 3.0, go to Web Filter > Anti-Spam. Select Create New (you have to create a group first), select Email Address tab, add the address and set it to " Mark as Clear" . In both versions, you need to enable the White List in the Protection Profile (Firewall > Potection Profile) under Spam Filtering. Enable E-mail address BWL check. In 3.0, you also need to select the group created, in the Option column.

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