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FortiDB not reading logs



I have an SQL enterprise 2014 DB that I want to monitor on the server level, with TCP/IP sniffer mode.

I am trying to make changes on my DB, but i couldn't see the activity on fortiDB.

Support told me it is because I am connecting RDP to the server where the DB is located, and making the changes on SQL server manager, which encrypts the traffic. And since fortiDB is a sniffer, it will not be able to read the encrypted traffic.


What is the solution for this problem?


I have thought of three solutions, but I don't know if they would work, could you please enlighten?


First: Define the certificate in fortiDb itself, so that it can decrypt the traffic

Second: Define the certificate in the server where fortiDB is installed, and then allow the traffic to go to fortidb

Third: same as second, man in the middle, but a different server


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