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FortiClient compliance check fail



I have trying to create endpoint with Compliance checking. I am using FortiClient + FortiEMS + FGT.

I have do compliance check by FGT, but profile are uploading from EMS server. Further I have no issues by checking Compliance everything looking well. When I will trying go to some website (in this example to I have redirected to:][link][/link][/link]


Here IP is my intra VDOM link IP. As I googled 8009 port by FGT are using to download FortiClient.


So problem is I can't reach any destination by enabling FortiClient Compliance checking in FGT.

Have somebody any suggestion where I have to check or something like that.

Attaching couple photos to make a picture.


Structure is something like: 

Endpoint(With fortiClient)->FGT(Servers VDOM)->FGT(root vdom)->internet

AD->FGT(Servers VDOM)->FGT(root vdom)->internet


Here is no rules to block traffic or something like that all policy are any to any.



New Contributor

After testing issue have regarding this was FortiOS bug by recording user in couple VDOMS. Have upgraded FGT from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3 and issue resolved.


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