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Contributor II

FortiAP: MAC Errors (Tx/Rx)



Is there any place I can troubleshoot this?



Fortigate <3

Fortigate <3
Contributor II

No one? 



Fortigate <3

Fortigate <3
Contributor III



what you are pointing to is a image which shows you the interferring AP's. This means if you select as example within a profile under 2.4 GHz following:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (all activated)


And you activate DRRP the WiFi controller checks the env. and would change the Channel TO NOT INTERFERRING to other AP's. From this point of view you should first ANALYSE over Monitoring WHAT AP's you have in your env. If you recognize that most AP's are on example 1 6 11 you should choose:


4 9 13 activated and DRRP enabled


Goal would be to mostly not interfer to other AP's because this decrease bandwith (interferences on same channel). This means also you can not 100% prevent interferring in a env like a city but you should choose best channels. Do not choose only channel in higher channels or lower use on overall low and high channels but look that between the choosen channels you leave 3 not activated. If you like to get more information about information regarding your AP's you can troubleshoot on the WiFi Controller with follwoing command (but needs knowledge on WiFi and how it works etc.):


# diagnose wireless wlac -h        wlac usage:            wlac help                       --show this usage            wlac ping [-c cnt] [-s len] <ip> --send cnt len-bytes ping request            wlac tpt                        --show non-wireless terminaton point info            wlac kickmac mac                --disassociate a sta            wlac kickwtp ip cport           --tear down a wtp session            wlac plain-ctl [[wtp-id] [0|1] | clear]   --show, set or clear current plain control setting            wlac sniff-cfg [[ip port] | clear]   --show, set or clear sniff server ip and port            wlac sniff [intf [wtp-id] [0|1|2] | clear]  --show, set or clear sniff setting on intf for wtp-id            wlac scanclr                    --clear the scanned rogue ap list            wlac scanstaclr                 --clear the scanned rogue sta list            wlac sta_filter [sta-mac level | clear]    --show, set or clear sta filter            wlac wtp_filter [id vfid-ip:port level | clear]  --show, set or clear wtp filter            wlac clear debug                --clear all debug settings            wlac show debug                 --show all debug settings            wlac show kernel                --show all -k command settings            wlac show data                  --show all -d settings            wlac show control               --show all -c settings            wlac show all                   --show all -k,-c,-d and debug settings            wlac -k cws [wlan]                   --list cws info(kern)            wlac -k wtp [vfid-ip:port lip:port]  --list wtp info(kern)            wlac -k vap [wlan | bssid]           --list vap info(kern)            wlac -k sta [wlan | bssid mac]       --list sta info(kern)            wlac -k wlan-sta wlan sta-ip         --list wlan's sta info(kern)            wlac -d usage                   --list objects usage(data)            wlac wpad_vap [ip|bssid]        --list vap info in wpad_ac            wlac wpad_sta [mac]             --list sta info in wpad_ac            wlac sta-idle-auth [time]       --get/set non-auth sta idle time            wlac -d all                     --list wlan/wtp/vap/sta info(data)            wlac -d wlan                    --list wlan info(data)            wlac -d wtp                     --list wtp info(data)            wlac -d vap                     --list vap info(data)            wlac -d sta                     --list sta info(data)            wlac -d sta-idx [wlan mac next] --list indexed sta info(data)            wlac -d wlsta wlan              --list wlan's sta info(data)            wlac -d wtpsta wtp-index        --list wtp's sta info(data)            wlac -d radiosta wtp-id rId     --list radio's sta info(data)            wlac -c sta [mac]               --list sta(ctl)            wlac -c wtpprof [wtpprof]       --list configured wtp profiles(ctl)            wlac -c wtp [wtp]               --list configured wtps(ctl)            wlac -c wtp-idx [wtp next]        --list indexed wtp (ctl)            wlac -c radio-idx [wtp rId next]  --list indexed radio (ctl)            wlac -c vap-idx [wtp rId wlan next] --list indexed vap (ctl)            wlac -c wlan [wlan|ssid]        --list configured wlans(ctl)            wlac -c swintf                  --list configured switch interface(ctl)            wlac -c ap-status               --list configured ap status(ctl)            wlac -c widsprof                --list configured wids profiles(ctl)            wlac -c byod_dev [dev | mac]    --list configured devices(ctl)            wlac -c byod_devgrp [devgrp     --list configured device groups(ctl)            wlac -c byod_devacl [devacl]    --list configured device access lists(ctl)            wlac -c byod_devtype [devtype]  --list configured device types(ctl)            wlac -c byod [wlan]             --show device access in control plane            wlac -c byod_detected [wlan]    --list detected devices(ctl)            wlac -c ws [ip]                 --list current wtp sessions(ctl)            wlac -c ws-fail                 --show current wtp sessions with SSID config failures            wlac -c ws-mesh vfid-ip:port    --list this wtp session's mesh parent and child info(ctl)            wlac -c vap                     --list vap info(ctl)            wlac -c ap-rogue                --list rogue ap info(ctl)            wlac -c sta-rogue               --list rogue sta info(ctl)            wlac -c rap-hostlist bssid      --list hosts related to the ap(ctl)            wlac -c arp-req                 --list arp info on the controller(ctl)            wlac -c mac-table               --list mac table(ctl)            wlac -c br-table                --list bridge table(ctl)            wlac -c nol                     --list the AP's non occupancy channel list for radar            wlac -c scan-clr-all            --clear the scanned rogue ap and sta data(ctl)            wlac -c ap-onwire-clr bssid     --clear the rogue ap's on wire flag(ctl)            wlac -c darrp                   --list darrp radio table(ctl)            wlac -c sta-cap [mac]           --list sta capability(ctl)            wlac -c sta-locate              --list located wireless stations(ctl)            wlac -c sta-locate-reset [1|2]  --reset sta-locate data(ctl); 1: reset stats, 2 (default): flush entries            wlac -c rf-analysis [wtp-id|ac] --list rf analysis results(ctl)            wlac -c rf-sa wtp-id rId [chan] --list rf spectrum info            wlac -c radio-ifr wtp-id rId    --list radio's interfering APs            wlac -c wids                    --show detected sta threat in control plane


hope this helps...


have fun



Contributor II

Thanks for your reply. The problem is that this is a concrete basement and is not in contact with anything other APs that might disturb .. I troubleshoot further with diagnose wireless wlac..

Fortigate <3

Fortigate <3

Can someone provide insight into what the MAC Errors count indicates?  I'm seeing the same issue, with 0 interfering AP's.




I have the same issue.  Even with no interfering APs, I still get errors



Hi has anyone actually got an answer on this. New to forum willing to read about it if someone could point me to the solution. I dont think this is causing us any issues right now but i sure dont like seeing mac errors on the cloud controller.


--Nick Ladd


do not expect any reply from Fortinet as you already made  serious mistakes...

You simply bought a Fortinet stuff and try to use it

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