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ForitADC 7.4.0 LDAP auth for admins help needed

Dipping my toes in the Fortinet world looking to replace some aging phyiscal LBs with virtualised FortiADC. I've got a pair built with aim to setup HA. But stuck at first hurdle trying to setup admin auth using LDAP for rest of the team.


I've added 2 Active Directory domain controllers under User Authentication > Remote Server these are set to use Port (389), CN (sAMAccountName), Bind type (Regular), User DN (CN of the service account used to bind to LDAP), Secure connection (StartTLS) and we have Group Authentication checked Group type (WindowsAD) and the group DN with our admin team members added as CN.


Test connectivity all works fine.


Under User Authentication > User Group I've added a group "FortiAdmin" using Client Authentication (HTTP), Group type (Normal) and with members the 2 LDAP servers created above.


Clearly Im missing something here as I keep getting Incorrect Username / Password when attempting to login with my AD account. I've been through the fortiADC setup guide plus a bunch of google searching but cannot seem to find an example of how this is done.


Any pointers please?


Edit: happy to work in CLI if thats eaier. Im trying to document for wider team though so wanting to check the web UI way to do this too



I think this is not the right place, you have to configure the admins under System> Administrator:



kindly check also the guide:

- Emirjon
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