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Force Exchange emails and Lync traffic to use public DNS

Hi dear All, I am managing a part of a large network between many countries interconnected through MPLS and GMPLS. I want to reduce our GMPLS bandwidth consumption as it is actually overloaded. The first solution I thought was to force email and lync traffic to go through internet because all traffic (DNS resolution, LDAP authentification, POP3S, SMTP, KERBEROS, SAP, SAGE, etc.) regarding our business is going through our GMPLS Link as we use private remote DNS servers accessible through GMPLS. I want to force Exchange emails and Lync traffic To get connected the same way as we are at home using an internet connection (with public DNS). Actually, all emails traffic from remote locations connected to the main office via MPLS go to GMPLS link which is disturbing good usage of corporate applications such as SAP and SAGE. In these remote locations, users get IP from Firewall DHCP server so as we were facing some issues to connect to SAP when using SSL VPN with internet going slow, I configured all firewall server DHCP of remote locations to use our local DNS and as primary DNS, second DNS and our ISP (public) DNS as third DNS server. This configurations allows users to connect to SAP without using SSL VPN and fixing our local DNS as static DNS as we used to do it in the past to get connected with SSL VPN.


Technically what I want to do is to allow users to connect to SAP and other corporate applications without using SSL VPN, automatically get our local DNS as primary and second DNS (so that employees won’t have to modify their network settings when they want to work at home) and force all emails and Lync traffic to go through internet (public DNS). If I summarize, we want to automatically use private DNS for connections to corporate applications and Public DNS for emails and Lync traffic.


I hope I have explained the issue very well, in any case I will give you all information needed.


Kind Regards,




Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer
Andrei OLAGO Network & System Engineer

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