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For about NSE4-5.4



I studied NSE4 subjects in portal and did NSE4-5.4 quiz. Are there same questions in NSE4 exam? Is it enough to pass exam?



New Contributor

The exam from the portal material or the quiz after the portal 


New Contributor

Working on Fortinets for 3 years at the company I work at (Partner with thousands of deployments). A Fortinet in my home to play with.


I studied all of the material in the training portal for a couple months. Crammed the exam prep quizzes. Still failed. If you don't understand ALL of the stuff in detail, you probably won't make it. That includes stuff TOTALLY irrelevant to your work on Fortinet in some cases. Now I go back to study again for a few weeks before attempting this nonsense again.


Sometimes I think this is a scam to be honest. Trick questions. 2 right answers, focuses on stuff the majority of people working on Fortinet probably don't use or care about. It's a mess IMO.


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