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New Contributor II

FSSO Issues

Dear All,

Anyone can clear me about this issues if it's normal or not.

My IT person on the same sub net with different machine using the same username to login on their machine having some issues. 


1) User 1 login with username test01 and User 2 login with username test01

2) Both machine on the same Lan with different IP Address User 1 and   User2

3) website example visited by User 2 


Problem when generate a report its showing that user 1 with username test01 and ip address has visited the website which he or she never visited this site. But User 2 Confirmed she has visited the website.


Why we are getting this type of report. Is it normal because both are using the same username or something wrong plz.


Thanks in advance



New Contributor II

Any feedback plz

New Contributor III



What type of report is it? Report from Fortianalyzer or Forticloud?


Hi thanks for your reply. The report is from fortianalyzer
New Contributor II

Hi any feedback plz
New Contributor III

Is it possible to you upload your report and show us? Or a Print Screen showing the issue.


Carlos from what I write where could be the issues does it normal or not! I already explain step by step the issues!
Contributor III

I faced the same situation before, that's why I force to issue this command before 

#config system global #set admin-concurrent disable #set policy-auth-concurrent disable #end


Note: I'm not sure if still valid for FortiOS 5.

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie
New Contributor II

Hello Fullmoon,


Thank you for your reply.  

1) Regarding your post does it apply in my case. 

2) My IT person normally use same username on 2 or 3 machine's, but IP address only different. 

3) Does it need to use a single Username all of them or not

4) if i configured the policy auth-concurrent if am right only one user will be able to authenticate with a single username at a time. But they need to access their machine with same user on three machine's


Awaiting your reply





thats the only info I can share :)

I would highly appreciate if you could bring this concern to TAC, and dont forget to update us what their (TAC) workaround.. ^_^

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie
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