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FG200B v5.2.13 with 2 x 4G LTE modems in Bridge Mode (IPPT)

Hi all,


I have an old FG200B v5.2.13 which I use for DR purposes.  I have purchased 2 x Netgear LB2120 4G LTE modems.  Each has a SIM and has been given a Static IP Address by the ISP.  Each modem IP is in a different subnet and individually, they work fine.


The modems are configured in Bridge Mode and I understand that they use IP Passthrough (IPPT) to present the static IP address to the FG200B.


I have modem #1 on port1 and modem #2 on port2.


My question is about getting these to work together with SD-WAN (?) and to that end I have made enquiries with Fortinet and been referred to the Fortinet Cookbook articles about "dual redundant WAN links".  These articles refer only to configuring for load balancing, but they don't refer to configuration for Inbound traffic with virtual IPs and NAT. 



e.g. if I want to use my 2 x modems in a DR scenario, to bring in traffic on port 443 on modem #1 and ALSO on port 443 on modem #2, I cannot find any documentation on how this would work in an SD-WAN configuration.


Does anyone here have any experience with that scenario and could shed some light on whether this should work okay and how to go about it?  Can I treat the Outgoing traffic so that the 2 x modems are load balancing and redundant links, but also treat the Incoming traffic individually with separate virtual IPs/NAT policies?





well...the routing does set on which of your modems inbound traffic will appear ;)

This is nothing you can influence ;)

However, if you use WLLB you also use WLLB in your Policies (and routing). 

So you set a policy or vip and use WLLB as source interface. Then to you it doesn't matter on which particuar interface in WLLB the inbound traffic appears. It will reach your Policies/VIP as if it came from WLLB INterface.


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

Thanks for the reply.  Sounds like it SHOULD work then.  I guess I will find out soon enough whether the IPPT will function properly or not.  I'll have a go at configuring this in the next couple of days, so will report back after that and let you know how it goes.


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