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FG-100D as network switch

Hey everyone,

I am trying to setup a old 100d as a network switch. I have a netgear firewall infrastructure of the 100d. I was hoping to create multiple hardware switches for my diffrent subnets on my network and one for the internet connection from my router(I was using a normal port and not a WAN port). I then had them all added into a zone to allow traffic between them. I am trying to bypass the firewall portion of the 100d to allow for the bandwidth to stay above 1gbs hence why I am avoiding the WAN ports. What should I be doing to make this work? Is this even possible?


Thanks in advance for any help.


Hi Sstaricha,


this should be working fine with the use of software switches. You cannot create multiple hardware switches AFAIK. The zones won't be needed either.




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