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External HDD and USB



Does FortiEDR scan an external HDD or USB once connected to a PC?

Does FortiEDR scan an external HDD or USB when I perform a scheduled scan or Ad hoc scan?



New Contributor II

1. Once connected to a PC:
- FortiEDR does not automatically scan external HDDs or USB drives upon connection by default. However, it continuously monitors and can initiate scans based on file access or execution events triggered by activities involving these external devices.


2. During scheduled or ad hoc scans:
- Yes, FortiEDR can be configured to include external HDDs or USB drives in scheduled scans or ad hoc scans. Administrators can define scan policies to specify which devices and locations are included in these scans.


For detailed configuration and behavior, refer to Fortinet's documentation on FortiEDR's capabilities and policies: [FortiEDR Documentation](

The Omnivert
The Omnivert
New Contributor

Dear Issa00,


Can you elaborate on this point?

During scheduled or ad hoc scans:
Yes, FortiEDR can be configured to include external HDDs or USB drives in scheduled scans or ad hoc scans. Administrators can define scan policies to specify which devices and locations are included in these scans.


Because, as far as I know, the FortiEDR on scheduled scans or ad hoc scans only scans hard drives, but any connected external HDD or USB is not


Transfer speeds have been impressive. Large files, even in the gigabytes, transfer relatively quickly. Of course, the actual speed might vary depending on the PC's USB port speed, but in general, it's been great.


Dear Bhantared,


I didn't get your idea 



New Contributor

Yes, FortiEDR can scan external HDDs and USBs both during scheduled scans and ad hoc scans to ensure comprehensive security coverage more information.


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