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Creating Datasets for Custom Reports in FortiGate

I have seen quite a few posts on creating datasets in FortiAnalyzer, but not so many in FortiGates.  I am wondering if anyone has had success with creating datasets to use in custom reports in FortiGates.


I have just started trying to modify the default report in a FGT90D v5.2.3.  I am able to create a dataset with a SQL query and a chart with the dataset I created added to it.  This is all done via the CLI.  I can then add the chart to the customized report layout.  So far I have been getting the "no data was available for this chart" message in my reports.


My knowledge of SQL is limited, so I am trying to use queries in my datasets that are listed in the logging and reporting documentation as examples first to see if I can get it to work, before I try to write my own.  


While there is a fair amount of documentation on this for FortiAnalyzer, there is not as much specific to FortiGates.  The options in the CLI are available so it makes me think it is possible.  However, there does not seem to be an option to test the SQL query like there is for the FAZ from the web based manager.  This of course makes troubleshooting more difficult.


Can anyone confirm they have done this with FGTs?  Is there anyway to test the SQL query?



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