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Combining multiple user-group-bookmark groups for web portal bookmarks



I have a couple of user groups (AD) for access to various resources in our network. Users can be member of 1 or more of these groups. Now I would like to show the combined bookmarks on the web portal which are linked to the user groups.


grp1 - bookmark rdp1

grp2 - bookmark rdp2

grp3 - bookmark rdp3


So if a user is member of grp1 and grp3, he/she should get the bookmarks to rdp1 and rdp3.


I was hoping that configuring user-group-bookmark would enable this, but unfortunately the only bookmarks shown are from the first matching group in the configuration.


So if grp1 is defined first, the portal will only list rdp1. If grp3 would be defined first, only rdp3 is listed.


The way this feature works looks rather useless to me, and seems very similar to Authentication/Portal Mapping of a user group to a defined SSL-VPN Portal.


Is there a way to combine bookmarks with Fortigate based on group membership?


I'm working on a FGT200E with 6.0.5 firmware.

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Support confirmed my findings of group bookmarks and authentication mapping to be similar, and redirected me to my local Fortinet Sales representative for a feature request...





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