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Combination Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 and FortiClient (6.2 + 6.4) not working.

Hi all,


I'm installing Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 on a new laptop. FortiClient 6.2 and the new 6.4 aren't working. The "FortiClient VPN Service Scheduler" is not starting. Removing SEP 14.3 let the service start. No issues with SEP 14.2.

Additionally I can't uninstall FortiClient then, because the service can't be stopped. Switching to disabled and after a restart it works. But I had an issue with another software as well, which tried to start/stop a service during install and uninstall.


Kind regards


Valued Contributor II

Did you check the history / activity logs for Symantec Endpoint Protection?  Would be useful to know if it was explicitly blocking FortiClient, or if the interaction was simply accidental.  Either way, reporting this to Fortinet TAC and Symantec (Broadcomm now I guess) would help it get tracked down.


Honestly, I had no time to check it. But a quick check showed no detections on that client. SEP Manager shows everything as green.

With release of an update for 14.3, I'll check again.


Have the same issue, but when we disable all application control policies, it's working. Maybe Autorun.inf block policie cause the issue.


We have this issue with SEP 14.3.558, if we downgrade SEP version the issue resolves. Have also tested to upgrade forticlient vpn version to latest but same issue persist. Anyone resolved this issue without disabling application controls in sep?




we have no solution, but a kind of new "solution". Due other reasons, we are removing SEP and no classic AV anymore. We are using a combo of Windows Defender and Malwarebytes now. The overall speed on the client is better too. Well, Symantec discontinues SEP anyway.


- Denis


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