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Changes in reporting since upgrading 500D to 6.0.5

Recently we have upgraded one of our firewalls, a 500D, to firmware 6.0.5. Since this upgrade we've had issues one of the daily reports on our FAZ. The report provides the Total number of packets transferred for the day, bytes in and bytes out. After the upgrade the total packets transferred jumped more than 10 fold and after a few days exceeded the range that could be handled by the FAZ and was reported as NA. After several days this figure started being reported as a huge negative number for a few days then went back to NA for several days and is now back to a large negative number.


I've spoken to FGT support who've instructed that we need to set "per-session-accounting enable-by-log", when this was attempted the option was not available.


Has anyone experienced or have knowledge of this type of issue and would anyone have a way to correct it?


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